Friday, May 29, 2009

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner! (or, err, mediocre painting!)

I know you've all been waiting and waiting for the winner of the favorite things contest is, Holly J! Congratulations Holly, I just loved your list - and even better, you were the first to respond to the contest. Holly, call or email me so we can brainstorm for the mediocre painting. To everyone else, don't worry, you'll have your chance to get a mediocre painting of mine. If your pregnant or with child, I'm probably painting you something right now!

And here is Holly's cute list for your reading pleasure...
  • Tailgating at/going to summertime concerts
  • Tailgating at football games
  • Watching Dukes of Hazzard re-runs(yes, i'm serious)
  • Listening to "totally awesome" bad 80's music
  • Sitting in my back yard sunning myself with the radio on while drinking beer :-)
  • Looking at pictures from “back in the day”
  • Sleeping in/being cozy in bed and not having to get up




  1. WooHoo!!! Thanks, Nichole!! I'm so excited to be the winner!! :-)


  2. Holly,
    I need to know what colors you want, what wall size, I can do it based on your list or if you have something in mind for a room, I can work with you :) email me:
